Словения: Получить новые впечатления в 2017 году

Словения: Получить новые впечатления в 2017 году. There is no such thing as a perfect year without perfect memories.
Here are seven very tempting ideas for experiences to talk about
in the year to come.

Make Slovenia your buzzword in 2017.

Make a wish by ringing the magical wishing bell on the island
in the middle of the picturesque Lake Bled.

Take a stroll to the medieval castle in the centre of Slovenia's magnificent
capital, Ljubljana, and embrace its beauty in one short breath.

Get active exploring the Logar Valley
and its hidden country roads.

Taste the masterpieces of Netflix chef Ana Roš
at her restaurant in the green heart of the Alps.

Sweeten your day with Apitherapy, which makes use of the unique honey from the Carniola
bee, not only known for its culinary uses, but also for its soothing therapeutic benefits.

Breathe in the essence of nature on one of the many meditative
routes that follow the Kolpa River and its peaceful surroundings.

Relax and let your mind wander while your body is being pampered by the
thermal waters and soothing atmosphere of the Slovenian Natural Spas.
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