Словения находится в центре внимания на WTM-2016 в Лондоне.

Словения находится в центре внимания на WTM-2016 в Лондоне. Active Slovenia waves from London

Feel Slovenia!

As one of the greenest countries in the world Slovenia is in the spotlight at World Travel Market in London. Let´s meet and do some sports together according to the main theme of our presentation at WTM.

Looking for an active and healthy winter retreat in Slovenia? Follow our campaign in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia, and explore the skiing opportunities on the white Slovenian slopes.

And finally, why not enjoy a glass of wine at the St. Martins Day celebrations all over the country at the end of the week. Do not miss the news from Slovenia!

Greenings from Slovenia

Green, active and healthy Slovenia inspires foreign media

Green, active and healthy Slovenia inspires foreign media

Our green, active and healthy land inspires international journalists and media. From Israel, France, Austria and across the Atlantic, Slovenia is on the pages of international newspapers, featuring in online articles and welcoming tourists for a visit. more...

Slovenia’s campaign in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary

Slovenia’s campaign in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary

Slovenia is focusing on the promotion of the country as an attractive tourist destination in the Croatian, Serbian Hungarian markets. The campaign is promoting autumn and winter activities. more...I feel SLOVEnia on Alchemy of the Balkans

I feel SLOVEnia on Alchemy of the Balkans

In October, Al Jazeera Balkans began to broadcast the documentary show “Alchemy of the Balkans in Slovenia”, with the legendary Goran Milić as its host. On his blog, Goran shared some of the insights of his travels and his experience of Slovenia. more...

Active Slovenia

 Fun skiing season starts in Active Slovenia

Fun skiing season starts in Active Slovenia

Slovenia is a beautiful country in winter for all lovers of outdoor activities. Our white-during-winter, active and healthy country is home to several state-of-the-art ski centres that offer a total of more than 300 km of slopes and 280 km of cross-country trails. more...

...Luxury Slovenia

 Hostel Celica among the best luxury hostels in the world

Hostel Celica among the best luxury hostels in the world

Celica Hostel was selected as one of the 10 best luxury hostels in Europe by travel blogger Kash Bhattacharya (Budget Traveller) and the Guardian editorial team. This former prison has become one of the most popular and recognisable hostels in Ljubljana. more...

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 Do not miss

Active Slovenia at WTM London 2016

Active Slovenia at WTM London 2016

Slovenia is in the spotlights at the World Travel Market in London as an active and sporty destination. Don’t miss the Slovenian breakfast with journalists and business partners tomorrow at 10:00. more...

Slovenia in the swing of the biggest wine celebrations

Slovenia in the swing of the biggest wine celebrations

Visit the most famous celebrations of wine in Slovenia - on Saint Martin’s day on 11th November! more...


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