Helsinki Design Weekly: зимний плейлист художницы Frida Hultcrantz

Helsinki Design Weekly: зимний плейлист художницы Frida Hultcrantz. Swedish-born artist Frida Hultcrantz addresses loneliness and being an outsider in her paintings – perhaps because she has always felt different.

In Helsinki Design Weekly's interview, she tells about her studio and her most important works that you will never see. The wintry Weekly Mix playlist is a combo of her all-time favourites.

If you are curious about the latest trends of lighting, now is the last chance to register to VALO/ON 2017. An event for professionals offers the news regarding architecture, lighting technology and electrical engineering. Read more and register here.

Last but not least, take a look at the exhibition architecture of Showroom, an event about design, spatial design and lighting. Designed by Avanto Architects, the architecture consists of playful mirrors.

Swedish-born artist Frida Hultcrantz addresses loneliness and being an outsider in her paintings – perhaps because she has always felt different.

In Helsinki Design Weekly's interview, she tells about her studio and her most important works that you will never see. The wintry Weekly Mix playlist is a combo of her all-time favourites.

If you are curious about the latest trends of lighting, now is the last chance to register to VALO/ON 2017. An event for professionals offers the news regarding architecture, lighting technology and electrical engineering. Read more and register here.

Last but not least, take a look at the exhibition architecture of Showroom, an event about design, spatial design and lighting. Designed by Avanto Architects, the architecture consists of playful mirrors.

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