Давос: Зимние приключения январь 2017 года

Давос: Зимние приключения январь 2017 года.

You don't need to be Reinhold Messner to experience winter adventures. After all, in Davos Klosters you'll find the best conditions for all kinds of winter sports. And to make sure that you don't miss out on anything, the 'Insider Team' that works on our complimentary guest programme looks forward to showing you the loveliest winter experiences. Have fun discovering what's out there!



The "Davos Klosters Inside" winter guest programme has now been extended with new activities in the valley. Visitors can take part free with the "Davos Klosters Card" guest card.
Three new restaurants have opened in the Parsenn region: the modernised Restaurant Gotschnagrat, a new wooden chalet on the Totalp and the Skihütte Schiferstall.
Ambitious local cross-country skiers will compete for the Masters World Cup Klosters title in classic and freestyle technique, either individually or as part of a team. Registration is open until 30 January 2017.
In the exhibition "Light on Kirchner" in the Kirchner Museum in Davos, Mischa Kuball executes the idea of illuminating and projecting the works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in a complex installation.


Davos Festival New Year´s Concert 1.1.2017

The "musique en route" quartet expertly meanders through the musical treasures of the Balkans.


New Year Reception with 'Hotsch Race'1.1.2017

10 piglets compete against each other in the traditional Hotsch Race.



Humorous evening that winds its way through a wealth of different musical genres.


Backcountry Festival Davos

201726.1.2017 - 29.1.2017

Davos Klosters mountain guides offer guided tours, workshops and courses for locals and guests.


3rd SkiSpitz-Cup


The SkiSpitz Cup at the Selfranga ski-lift in Klosters combines ski racing with fun, race atmosphere and a party.



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