Crans-Montana: фантастический старт сезона сноуборда

Crans-Montana: фантастический старт сезона сноуборда .

Fantastic start to halfpipe season for snowboarder Pat Burgener

The Swiss Francophone Pat Burgener is currently performing flawlessly, winning medals in both of the competitions in which he participated at Copper Mountain, in the United States. His first success came during the Revolution Tour, on December 10, where he finished in second place, and his second during the first event of the World Cup, on December 16. His first victory at this level brings him closer to a qualification for the 2018 Olympics. These sporting achievements coincide with new music from the 22-year-old Swiss man, who is releasing a new single.

Crans-Montana, 22 December 2016

Copper Mountain was the scene of several premieres last Friday: The first event of the halfpipe (inclined snow trough) season and the first FIS World Cup victory for young Swiss snowboarder Pat Burgener. With 96.25 points, he beat his compatriot Iouri Podladtchikov, the defending Olympic champion. Pat is delighted with this first taste of success: "It's a huge joy to win here. All the best riders in the world were competing and it was a tight battle with Iouri (0.25 points difference). It’s always difficult to complete against a friend, especially someone of his stature, but I really wanted to establish myself." Indeed, by beating the last Olympic gold medalist in the discipline, Pat Burgener is taking a big step forward towards a qualification for Pyeongchang in 2018, with the World Cup stages serving as qualifying rounds.

Two podiums in two competitions

6 days earlier and also at Copper Mountain, the rider from Switzerland finished second in the Revolution Tour event, a series of national competitions: “As I didn’t have a competition scheduled for that time, I decided to take part. The level was good and that second place position boosted my confidence." These two performances are the perfect start to Pat Burgener’s season, placing him in the top 3 in the world. The Swiss rider has returned to peak fitness after two years of absence following injuries: "The injuries that have kept me out of the last two Olympic Winter Games are behind me. I think the amazing events of December prove that. It was hard to accept at the time, but now I look at it philosophically. And also, those setbacks allowed me to devote more time to music.” His two careers have been balancing and complementing each other since 2014.

A return to Switzerland as a musician

With Take Me Home, Pat Burgener is releasing the lead single from his first album, planned for next spring, along with a music video. Known for Show Me The Way, whose video, which was shot the streets of Lausanne, went viral, and Living For The Day, selected as Song of the Day on SRF3, the recent finalist of the MyCokeMusic Soundcheck contest is back with his new song: "I travel a lot for snowboarding and music. I am often alone in a hotel room, missing home and my relatives. The song is about this feeling and those moments when you just want to be brought back home." To introduce this new single, Pat Burgener will be performing at the Monk Bar in Crans-Montana on December 30th before getting back on track for the next World Cup events, and getting closer to the 2018 Olympics: it’s easier to leave and to keep away the melancholy feelings when you win.

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